According to Barry Ritholtz:
"the ratio of home prices to income began to tick up in the early 2000s. By 2002, it was approaching its 1980s highs. It was a standard deviation away from the norm by 2004, and it reached at 2 1/2 times the norm in 2005. Housing, as a few of us observed long before the financial crisis bloomed, was a debacle about to happen.
The housing boom drove employment in construction, mortgage brokerage, home furnishings and durable goods. We even had a bull market in real-estate agents. People pulled cash out of their homes at furious rates to fund renovations at first, then big-screen televisions, automobiles and vacations. The broader way to understand this is that wages were stagnant, inflation was starting to rise and rather than accept a drop in living standards, people used home equity to maintain consumption."
I noticed that the chart from Ned Davis Research only covered the period from 1977 to 2010. Home Prices, as indicated by the S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Home Price Index, have increased substantially since then.
So what does an updated version of the Ned Davis Research Chart look like right now? It looks like this:
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