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Friday, December 18, 2015

Philippine Real Estate and Construction Loans Are Even More Out of Whack As of September 2015!

It sure looks that way, judging from this chart:

It looks like Real Estate and Construction Loans as a percentage of Total Loan Portfolio (TLP) rocketed past its historical range of 12.6% to 16.6% of TLP sometime in 2011.  That ratio peaked at 20.55% as of September 2013 but has bottomed out at 18.61% of TLP as of December 2014. In the last nine months of the year, this ratio has climbed back up to 19.96% as of September 2015.

Now, are we up to the levels of the previous real estate boom? (as in mid 1990s to 1997?) Honestly, we don't know.  BSP data only goes as far back as 1999 when the previous real estate bubble had already burst and the financial system was most likely deleveraging as evidenced in this chart.

Construction Gross Value as a Percentage of GDP Has Is at a 25 Year High! - Updated as of 3rd Qtr. 2015

Has the Philippine Real Estate Bubble Already Burst?

Is There a Real Estate Bubble in the Philippines?

Are Philippine Real Estate Loans Out of Whack?

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Construction Gross Value as a Percentage of GDP Has Is at a 25 Year High! - Updated as of 3rd Qtr. 2015

Last May 4, 2015, we noted that Construction Gross Value (Construction GV) at 11.21% as of the year-end 2014 was already well above its historical average of 9.48% of GDP since 1990.  This ratio has run at an above average rate since 2009 and has already eaten away at the "cumulative underhang" or underinvestment in construction that has taken place since 2004, when the excessive investment in construction that took place in the mid to late 1990's was being absorbed.

As of the 3rd Qtr of 2015, Construction GV as a percentage of GDP now stands higher at 12.06% of GDP - an all time high for the past 25 years.  But the real story is that Cumulative Construction GV has gone well above equilibrium and now stands at 4.2% above equilibrium, a rise of 3.0% in just nine months.  Given all the planned new projects that are already at the execution stage, the momentum in Construction Investment will continue.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Construction Gross Value as a Percentage of GDP Has Is at a 25 Year High!

Last May 4, 2015, we noted that Construction Gross Value (Construction GV) at 11.21% as of the year-end 2014 was already well above its historical average of 9.48% of GDP since 1990.  This ratio has run at an above average rate since 2009 and has already eaten away at the "cumulative underhang" or underinvestment in construction that has taken place since 2004, when the excessive investment in construction that took place in the mid to late 1990's was being absorbed.

As of the 2nd Qtr of 2015, Construction GV as a percentage of GDP now stands slightly higher at 12.24% of GDP - an all time high for the past 25 years.  But the real story is that Cumulative Construction GV has gone well above equilibrium and now stands at 5.2% above equilibrium, a rise of 4.0% in just six months.  Given all the planned new projects that are already at the execution stage, the momentum in Construction Investment will continue.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Great Depression vs. Great Recession: Unemployment - Updated November 2015

The reported unemployment rate during the Great Depression was significantly higher than the reported unemployment rates of the Great Recession.

But are the two rates comparable? Before 1938, children were a significant part of the labor force.  In 1900, children younger than sixteen made up as much as eighteen percent of the labor force.  It was only when the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 became law that children younger than sixteen were barred from working in manufacturing and mining but not agriculture.

To make the numbers more comparable, it is better to get the ratio of Employment to the Total Population (which includes children). When we do this, the two measures are not so far apart.  In 1929, the year "0" for the Great Depression, 54.41% of the total population was employed.  By 1933, year "4", only 41.97% of the population was employed. But the rise in employment was dramatic.  Four years later, 47.63% of the population was employed, almost six percentage points higher. The employment momentum only stalled when the tax hikes of 1937 induced another recession in 1938 and new child labor laws barred children from the labor force.  If the momentum had continued, the employment ratio would have recovered in less than five years.

In 2007, the year "0" of the Great Recession, 48.38% of the population was employed.   Four years later, only 44.82% of the population was employed, a drop of less than 4 percentage points.  By November 2015 or four years after the Great Recession bottomed out, only 46.35% of the population is employed, an increase of only 1.53% percentage points.  The growth rate of employment was less than a third that of the Great Depression.  At this rate, it will take five more years before employment recovers to that of Year "0".

Great Depression vs. Great Recession

Source:,, Reinhart and Rogoff, "This Time is Different"